We all know that taking your dog out on an outdoor adventure is one of the most fun and rewarding aspects of being a pet owner, especially when you have the peace of mind that both you and your furry friend are as safe as possible! From hiking to camping to more casual strolls outside, here are some of our best tips to ensure that you are both safe and happy along the trail.
1. Choose the Right Gear
It’s always essential to have the right gear in your collection before heading out. Top of your list should be a comfortable, quality harness, a good sturdy leash and maybe even some dog boots for spots with rougher terrain. A custom name tag with all of your vital information is also something that can ensure your enthusiastic pup can be returned to you if they happen to venture a little too far!
2. Train for Safety and Obedience
The basics of obedience training are recommended for any pet/owner duo who like to have fun outdoors. Work on perfecting all of the classic commands like ‘sit’, ‘come’, ‘stay’ and leave it in order to prevent any unpredictable incidents. This is especially important if you have plans to let your pup off leash. Practice makes perfect, so make sure to regularly test things at home before venturing out!
3. Pack Smart with the Essentials
Get into the habit of always bringing some water and a collapsible bowl to keep your dog nice and hydrated. Also, a pocket full of high energy doggy treats and a pet appropriate first aid kit are sensible additions. If you plan to be out for a longer time, then why not also consider a portable dog bed or blanket?
4. Check the Weather and Plan Accordingly
Dogs aren’t always the best in extreme temperatures of either variety, so before you head out you should always check what the weather is going to be like that day. If it’s hot, then plan a walk that includes lots of shaded trails; if there is a cold snap coming, then think ahead with a comfortable doggy jacket (as well as one for yourself!).
5. Be Mindful of Wildlife and Local Regulations
Depending on where you live, there could be certain rules and regulations regarding dogs in nature spaces. Make sure that you stick to the rules on leashes in particular, and also keep an eye out for any wildlife that could pose a problem like snakes or large predators! It’s always best to research the area you want to explore before setting off.
6. Keep Identification and Tracking Secure
The last thing you want to do is lose sight and/or track of your precious pup, especially in an unfamiliar environment! The best combo for avoiding this is picking up one of TheLilleBjorn custom tags for active dogs, and fitting it with a GPS tracking chip. That way, you will be able to see where your canine companion has disappeared to, and anyone who meets them along the way will be able to see all of your information.
Ultimately, dog walks should be fun and full of adventure, and following all of the simple suggestions above will ensure that the quality time you spend with your pup is time that is stress free rather than stressful. A few easy tips can guarantee that you both stay happy and healthy when out in nature, and that you will always be able to find each other should a certain excited best friend get out of sight for a moment. Happy exploring!