dog eating strawberry

What Fruit Peels & Stems are Safe and Not Safe for your Dog?

If you’re like us, you love fruit and want to know if you can share it with your dog as either an easy homemade snack for dogs or in your homemade cooked meals. Let’s take a look at what fruit peels and stems can dogs eat and which ones to stay clear of!

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What fruit peels and stems can dogs eat or not eat? Your guide to everything fruit for dogs.   

When starting to cook for your dog, you are constantly wondering what human foods can and cannot not be included in your recipes.   If you’re like us, you love fruit and want to know if you can share it with your dog as either an easy homemade snack for dogs or in your homemade cooked meals. A variety of fruits like apples, bananas, and strawberries contain vitamins and minerals that can help keep your pup healthy and be enjoyable snacks for our pups. But did you know that feeding them fruit peels and stems as part of their diet can be beneficial for them too? Plus, it is a great way to reduce food waste in your home.   Food waste is a huge issue globally and a lot of the food that ends up in the compost can be consumed by your dog or turned into fun homemade treats. Plus food waste is affordable. A win-win, healthier dog and more sustainable household.   But when cooking for your dog you need to be diligent on exactly what is and is not safe. Let’s take a look at what fruit peels and stems can dogs eat and which ones to stay clear of!  We will also show you some fun recipes to make for your dog.

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The Benefits of Feeding Fruit Peels & Stems to Dogs 

Fruit peels and stems are chock-full of essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, fiber, zinc, copper, magnesium, iron, manganese, and phosphorus. These nutrients can help to improve your dog’s overall health by helping to maintain a healthy weight, strong bones & teeth, a balanced immune system, improved digestion & nutrient absorption.   There are all sorts of fun ways to serve fruit and fruit peels such as turning into vitamin cubes by blending and freezing,  chopping up fresh or even dehydrating in your oven.

Precautions When Feeding Your Dog Fruit Peels & Stems 

When feeding your pup fruit peels and stems it is important to remember that some fruits may not be safe for them to eat. 

Never Feed Grapes

For example, grapes should never be given to dogs as they can cause kidney failure if eaten in large quantities. 

Never Feed Fruit Pits and Remove Seeds

In addition to this it is important to always remove any seeds or pits from the fruit before giving it to your pup as these are potential choking hazards.  Some fruit pits such as stone fruits which include peaches, plums, nectarines, cherries and apricots can be toxic to dogs and you need to be very careful they do not eat these.   

No Overly Ripe or Rotten Fruit

It is also important to avoid giving them overly ripe or rotten fruit as this could cause an upset stomach or even food poisoning in more extreme cases. 

Now we are diving into which peels can your dog safely snack on.  We are also including home cooked recipes and treats you can make for your dog.  You can also find more recipes for dogs and learn all about cooking for your dog on our other blogs.

Can dogs eat apple skin?  - YES

You’ve probably wondered if dog’s can have apples with the skin on. Apple peel or skin can be a great treat for your pup! It's full of vitamins and minerals that can help keep them healthy, as well as provide them with an extra boost of energy. It also helps keep their fur glossy and free of tangles. Apple peel or skin is a crunchy snack that will satisfy their cravings, but it does need to be consumed in moderation so as to not overload them with sugar. Additionally, adding a small amount to their home cooked meals or kibble may be beneficial in helping your dog maintain a balanced diet. Make sure to remove the core and seeds when providing this snack- they're not good for our pup pals!    If you have apples laying around the house and not sure what to do with them, another great idea is turning into an apple sauce by simply cutting up the apples and adding 1 cup of water to 1 cup of apples and stew over the stove.  Mash up and can be served as a snack on a lick mat or frozen in ice cubes.

This Lamb and Berries Breakfast Parfait for dogs uses dehydrated apples but can be substituted with apple peels instead! 

Lamb and blueberry parfait

Dog Child Meal Mixes

Dog Child’s Organic Oats & Berries Meal Mix is also a convenient way to make sure your dog gets all the healthy benefits of fruit when home cooking.   With our meal mixes you simply cook your dog’s favorite protein of choice and add our meal mix with water and in less than 15 mins you have fresh food for your dog.   Organic Oats & Berries Meal Mix is filled with Cranberries, Apples, Blueberries, Banana and Strawberries. 

Can Dogs Eat Banana Peels?

Bananas are a popular fruit to feed your dog because it’s packed with Vitamin B6 which helps with brain development and energy production.  But the banana peel isn’t the best snack to give.   The banana peel isn’t toxic but the texture is hard to digest and could cause a blockage.   Also banana peels generally have harmful pesticides on them.  One tip for banana peels is soaking them in water for a day and using the water for houseplants.   So in conclusion best to stick with the soft inside of a banana. 

Our 5 ingredient Banana Pancakes for Dogs are a great way to add bananas to your dog’s diet and share a yummy breakfast together! 

doggy pancakes

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? - YES

Strawberries are an incredibly versatile fruit and can make a great treat for your pup. Not only are they delicious and full of antioxidants, but they also contain several essential vitamins, minerals and fiber that can benefit your dog’s health. Strawberry tops, specifically, are long-lasting and can freshen your dog’s breath.   Strawberry tops also provide a healthy dose of Vitamin C along with Vitamin K1 which helps with bone development as well as Vitamin B6 which aids in energy production. Strawberries contain lots of fiber which aids digestion as well as folate which promotes cell growth throughout the body including red blood cells! Plus they're high in antioxidants that can help protect against agents found in processed foods!  

This Peanut Butter Ice Cream recipe for dogs is a great way to use up those strawberry tops and add some healthy vitamins to a tasty treat!

peanut butter ice cream

Can dogs have Watermelon Rind or Skin?  - NO

Watermelon is a delicious treat for both humans and canines alike. While the watermelon flesh, or the sweet red part, is typically safe for dogs to enjoy, the rind and seeds may cause potential problems. The watermelon rind contains a lot of dietary fiber which could be difficult for some dogs to properly digest, so it's best to avoid treating your pup with this part of a melon. Watermelon seeds also pose a choking hazard, so if you're considering sharing some watermelon with your pup make sure you remove all the seeds first!

These Tiger’s Blood Popsicles for dogs are a fun way to use up a watermelon without the risk of issues caused by the rind or seeds!   It is also a fun way to cook for your dog.  

Tigers blood

Can Dogs have Pineapple Skin or Rind? - NO

Believe it or not, this pineapple can offer a great many benefits to dogs! The flesh of pineapples is beneficial as it is high in Vitamin C and manganese, which are both essential nutrients for dogs. Fruits and vegetables help keep their digestion healthy, so a few small pieces are definitely worthwhile.  But the rind of a pineapple is spiky and tough that can give your dog a major stomach ache. 

When feeding pineapple in home cooked meals or treats for dogs be sure to take some precautions: opt for organic when possible and cut it up into small enough pieces that your pup will not choke on them.  Also only use pineapple as an occasional snack as it is high in sugar.  

Can Dogs have Pumpkin Seeds? - YES

Pumpkins can be a beneficial addition to your pup's diet and are an easy treat to give especially for dog’s trying to lose weight.  Not only is pumpkin low in calories and high in antioxidants, it also contains a rich source of important minerals like magnesium, zinc and iron.   When serving pumpkin make sure it is cooked pumpkin and if buying canned pumpkin always read the labels to ensure there are no additives or harmful ingredients. 

But did you know dog’s can also enjoy the pumpkin seeds can be beneficial as they contain essential fatty acids which can help keep your pup's fur strong and healthy.  As with any seed you must be diligent with choking so best to cook the seeds in the oven and grind up either into a pumpkin seed paste or as a powder in your food processor.

You can easily substitute pumpkin for any traditional add-ins when cooking meals for your pup or simply cut up small pieces of  cooked pumpkin for your pup to enjoy as a snack. Try it out today, and you may find that your pup loves the new addition of pumpkin to their home cooked meals!  

Our Turkey Pumpkin Squares are a great way to use pumpkin in your dog's diet!

turkey pumpkin squares

Can Dogs Eat Cherry Stems & Pits? - NO

Cherries are not only a sweet and delicious treat for us humans, but surprisingly they are also incredibly good for our four-legged friends. Dogs can have cherries as long as the stems and pits have been removed, making it a safe snack to feed them. Along with being an excellent source of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins A & C, cherries are credited with reducing inflammation in their bodies. With so many benefits from this one little fruit, it's no surprise that feeding your pup some fresh cherries is a great idea!  But with all fruit be sure to feed in moderation due to the sugar content.

Can Dogs Eat Blueberry Skin? - YES

While most dogs spend their days begging for scraps from the dinner table, offering them a special treat of blueberries may be just what they need! Not only are blueberries healthy and packed full of beneficial vitamins, but there are even benefits to their skin. The skin of blueberries is rich in a compound known as anthocyanin which helps to reduce inflammation, increase hydration and protect from further damage. Due to these compounds, including blueberries in your pup's diet can help improve the look and feel of their skin. So rather than just reaching for another biscuit, why not surprise your pup with this tasty fruit – it's sure to make both you and your best four-legged friend happy!

If you want to try out a simple recipe packed with blueberries and Omega-3s, try out our Blueberry Sardine Vitamin Booster! 

blueberry sardine booster

Can Dogs Eat Raspberries? - in Moderation

Not only are raspberries a sweet and delicious treat for humans, but they can also be enjoyed by dogs too! A snack of fresh raspberries is not only an excellent source of vitamins C and K for dogs, but the seeds can help to promote healthy digestion and provide some much-needed dietary fiber. Though it's best to remove the raspberry seeds before offering them to your pooch, as these may cause stomach upset; however, if left on, their crunchiness serves as an extra benefit when it comes to healthy teeth and gums. 

To add these sweet berries to your pup’s diet, try out our Frozen Yogurt Berry Bites for dogs! 

doggy frozen yogurt bites

Can Dogs Eat Mango Pit & Skin?  - NO

Mango is a delicious and nutritious treat for dogs. Not only does it provide their body with essential vitamins and minerals, but it can also help to reduce inflammation caused by arthritis, and support healthy digestion. An important thing to be aware of, however, is that the pit from the mango should never be given to your dog as it can obstruct their intestines or cause other severe health issues. If swallowed, it can become lodged in their digestive system.  It is also necessary to peel the mango as the skin can be harmful to dogs.  It's best to remove the pit & skin before giving your pup any mango slices so they can safely enjoy all the wonderful benefits!

Can Dogs Eat Grapes ?- NEVER! 

Many dog owners are unaware that grapes can be dangerous for their pup's health. Eating grapes can cause serious complications including nausea, vomiting, and even renal failure in dogs. If you suspect your pet has eaten grapes or raisins, take them to the vet immediately as the toxins contained within could lead to life-threatening conditions. It is important to ensure that any foods or snacks offered to your dog - such as grapes - are safe for canine consumption. Dogs should not be given access to areas with potential hazardous foods, so be sure to keep these toxic treats out of reach at all times!

Including fruit peels and stems in your pup's diet can be an excellent way to give them the nutrients they need while providing a tasty treat at the same time! However it is important that you research each type of fruit before feeding it to your pup and make sure you remove any seeds or pits before doing so.   Also limit as an occasional snack due to the high sugar content.  Additionally make sure that you only feed fresh fruits rather than overly ripe or rotten ones in order to prevent any potential health risks associated with eating spoiled food items. With this advice in mind you can rest assured knowing that you are providing your pup with a delicious snack that will keep them happy and healthy!