can dogs eat cabbage

Can dogs eat cabbage?

This leafy green is low-cost, easy to plate veg and has tons of vitamins and nutrients. So, wouldn’t it be great if your pup could eat it too? Well, you’re in luck; they can!
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Over the last few weeks, we’ve been discussing various veggies in the cruciferous family and their benefits for dogs. One veggie we’ve yet to discuss is cabbage, a common ingredient found in my household, and I’m yours as well. This leafy green is low-cost, easy to plate veg and has tons of vitamins and nutrients. So, wouldn’t it be great if your pup could eat it too? Well, you’re in luck; they can!

Just like the other veggies we have discussed, cabbage is a great vegetable to add to your dog’s diet that has a ton of health benefits. It’s filled with tons of antioxidants and vitamins such as vitamin K and vitamin C, and it contains a ton of healthy fiber and essential minerals such as manganese, potassium, magnesium, and copper. If you want to start adding cabbage to your dog’s diet, there are many ways this can be done. You can combine it with their current dog food, create your own dog food recipe with it, or you can even just serve them raw cabbage or cooked cabbage. Further, cabbage is a low-calorie human food ingredient that you can feed your dog, especially if they need to shed some extra weight.

There are many different types of cabbage you can use in your dog’s diet, each with its own unique benefits. For example, red cabbage can help support your dog’s digestive system and immune systems. Although, most cabbages, regardless of type, have a high fiber content making them beneficial for the digestive system all around. Additionally, cabbage has high levels of antioxidant, natural compounds called phytonutrients. This makes cabbage the cruciferous veggie with the most antioxidants, which can help reduce free radicals in the blood and reduce health conditions such as heart disease, which benefits both humans and their pooch!

Like almost everything we speak about, too much of one thing can be a bad thing. If dogs consume large amounts of these cruciferous vegetables, it can cause stomach upset and many other systems like excessive gas and flatulence. Therefore, as dog owners, it’s important to note that even when something is healthy, it can still be harmful, so when your feeding cabbage to your dog, it’s important to have them consume it in small quantities rather than overloading them with the new food.

One of the more serious symptoms of feeding your dog too much cabbage is hypothyroidism. Cabbage contains thiocyanate, which is a natural compound that directly impacts the thyroid gland. However, this would only happen if your dog ate a ton of cabbage in a short amount of time, and one way to get rid of this natural component all together is to boil it or thoroughly cook the leafy green.

So, if you’re wondering whether or not cabbage is a good call when it comes to finding new foods for your pup, it is. It’s healthy, cost-effective and easy to use. Just be careful when adding seasonings or spices that may not be so dog-friendly, as they can make a healthy meal and disaster very quickly. Plus, dogs actually love the taste of bland cabbage.

Wondering what kind of meal to make? Last week we made a recipe using our mixed veggie meal mix to create some puppy burgers and fries. We used lettuce to top our burger, but you could definitely switch that out for some cabbage to make it extra nutritious and delicious!

If you do happen to make this recipe, be sure to tag us so we can stay up-to-date with all your home cooking adventures!