Dog waiting with a bowl to be fed

Top 5 Foods to Feed Your Dog According to Our Dog Child Vet Advisor

By Dog Child


At Dog Child, we’re always striving to provide the best nutrition for your dog. Recently, we sat down with our trusted vet advisor to discuss the top foods he recommends adding to your dog's bowl. With his extensive experience and dedication to dog nutrition, he shared invaluable insights on ingredients that can enhance your dog’s health. Here are the top foods you should consider adding to your dog's meals. 🐾✨

1. Fresh Meat is a Must

Why It’s Good

Fresh gently cooked meat, such as lean cuts of beef, lamb, or pork, provides high-quality protein for your dog's muscle growth and tissue repair. Fresh meat is generally easier for dogs to digest & higher quality compared to kibble, which often contains fillers and artificial additives.

How to Serve

Serve fresh meat cooked without any seasonings. Never feed cooked bones.

Dog Child Recipe: Slow Cooker Homemade Chicken & Quinoa

Make this vet-approved Dog Child recipe with fresh meat: Slow Cooker Homemade Chicken & Quinoa. 

Cook lean ground beef thoroughly and mix it with scrambled eggs. Add Dog Child’s Essential Nutrients Mix for a balanced meal.

2. Sweet Potatoes for Slow-Release Energy

Why It’s Good

A great carbohydrate for slow energy release and also contains lots of essential nutrients and antioxidants, making them great for neurological function. They are also a good source of fiber, promoting a healthy gut.

How to Serve

Serve cooked and mashed or baked sweet potatoes. Serve fully cooked to make them easier to digest.

Here are Some Sweet Potato Recipes by Dog Child

Dog Child Recipe: Veggie and Cheese Dog Treats

Veggie and Cheese Dog Treats: Bake sweet potatoes and mix with grated cheese.

Dog Child Recipe: Cheap Air Fryer Sweet Potato Dog Treats

These budget-friendly sweet potato dog treats are easy to make and packed with nutrients. Simply slice sweet potatoes, air fry until crispy, and serve as a healthy snack for your dog. Perfect for a tasty and nutritious treat that your dog will love!

3. Nuts for a Nutritional Boost

Why It’s Good

Incorporating nuts like almonds and walnuts into your dog's diet can be a healthy addition. They are high in protein. Almonds provide fiber for digestive health, while walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, promoting a shiny coat, healthy skin, and strong joints.

How to Serve

Serve nuts in small quantities and ensure they are unsalted and unseasoned. Avoid whole nuts as they can be a choking hazard; instead, use them ground or in butter form.  Also never feed macadamia nuts. Nuts must be fed in moderation as they can be high in fat.

Read More About Nut Butters to Feed Your Dog: What Types of Nut Butters Can Dogs Safely Enjoy

Dog Child Recipe: Peanut Butter Dog Ice Cream

4. The Benefits of Linseed (Flaxseed)

Why It’s Good

Linseed, or flaxseed, is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation, support joint health, and maintain a healthy coat and skin. It's also high in fiber, promoting efficient digestion and preventing constipation.

How to Serve

Serve ground flaxseed to ensure better digestion and nutrient absorption. You can sprinkle it over your dog's regular food or mix it into homemade treats.

Dog Child Recipe: Homemade Seed Crackers

5. Chicory Root Powder for Digestive Health

Why It’s Good

Chicory root powder is excellent for enhancing your dog's digestive wellness. Its high fiber content supports a robust gut environment, acting as a prebiotic to feed beneficial bacteria in your dog's intestines.

How to Serve

Sprinkle a small amount of chicory root powder over your dog's food. It can be mixed into wet food or incorporated into homemade treats.

High Fiber Dog Treat Recipe for Diarrhea or Constipation

Dog Child Essential Nutrients Mix

Our Essential Nutrients Mix is a fantastic addition to your dog’s homemade meals. It’s easy to prepare and packed with wholesome ingredients that promote health and longevity. Learn more and purchase here.

Join Our Recipe Club

Want to explore more nutritious recipes for your dog? Join our Dog Child Recipe Club for access to new launches, weekly recipes, DIY treats, and tips & tricks that will keep your dog’s tail wagging.

Dr. Joe Inglis BVSc MRCVS

 Dr. Joe Inglis is an industry leader in home cooking for dogs. He is the head vet & founder of Vet Chef. Vet Chef has a line of supplements that support home cooking along with a line of fresh meals available in the UK. 


Incorporating these top foods recommended by Dr. Joe Inglis into your dog's diet can significantly enhance their health and well-being. At Dog Child, we make it easy for you to integrate these nutritious ingredients with our tailored recipes and Essential Nutrients Mix. Empower yourself to make positive changes to your dog's diet today!


Q: Can dogs eat fresh meat?

A: Yes, fresh meat provides high-quality protein essential for muscle growth and overall health. Ensure it is cooked without seasonings or additives.

Q: Are sweet potatoes good for dogs?

A: Yes, sweet potatoes offer slow-releasing energy and are beneficial for maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

Q: Can dogs eat nuts?

A: In moderation, nuts like almonds and walnuts can provide fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. Ensure they are unsalted and unseasoned.

Q: How can flaxseed benefit my dog?

A: Flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, promoting healthy skin, coat, and digestion.

Q: Is chicory root powder safe for dogs?

A: Yes, chicory root powder is a prebiotic that supports gut health and nutrient absorption.