berries for dogs

Which Berries are Good for Dogs?

As dog parents, who are passionate about feeding our dog’s fresh whole foods. We carefully choose their food and treats, making sure they’re getting all the necessary nutrients to live their best lives possible with food. Our dog’s love to eat berries so we wanted to dive deeper into the benefits of feeding berries, some yummy recipes and how best to serve them.

As dog parents, who are passionate about feeding our dog’s fresh whole foods. We carefully choose their food and treats, making sure they’re getting all the necessary nutrients to live their best lives possible with food. Our dogs love to eat berries so we wanted to dive deeper into the benefits of feeding berries, some yummy recipes and how best to serve them.

Are strawberries okay for dogs? Can dogs eat strawberries?  

It’s great news for dog parents that strawberries are safe for dogs to eat. Not only are they a tasty snack, but they also offer a lot of health benefits. Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, fibre, and antioxidants. They can help boost your dog’s immune system, aid in digestion, and even help whiten your pup's teeth. Furthermore, strawberries are a low-calorie treat, making them perfect for dogs trying to lose weight. 

Even though strawberries are safe for your dogs to eat, there are still some things to consider before feeding them to your furry friend. Firstly, always feed them strawberries in moderation. Too many may cause digestive issues: vomiting, diarrhea, and stomachache. Secondly, make sure you wash the strawberries well to remove any potential pesticides or chemicals that can harm your dog. Organically grown strawberries are an excellent choice. Lastly, don’t give your dog canned strawberries or any products that contain added sugar since these are not healthy for your dog and can quickly lead to obesity.

There are many ways as a dog parent you can incorporate strawberries into a pup's diet! You can feed them to your pup as a fresh snack or treat. You can also add small pieces of them into their food to mix things up- just like how us as humans don’t enjoy the same meal everyday!  

Try our our easy Berries and Cream Lick Mat recipe to start to incorporate strawberries.

Dog Child Meal Mixes - Easiest Way to Cook for Your Dog

One easy way you can incorporate strawberries into your dog's diet is with our Organic Oats and Berries Meal Mix. Our Organic Oats and Berries Dog Child Meal Mix uses a blend of oats, apples, blueberries, cranberries and strawberries to create the perfectly balanced meal. This mixture was specifically formulated to help support digestion and gut health for those pups that need a little extra care. Mixing our Organic Oats and Berries mix with your choice of protein makes for the perfect balanced meal to support your dog's health and wellness.

Can Dogs Eat Strawberry Tops?

Yes - strawberry tops have vitamins A, C, K, and B-complex vitamins, giving them energy, improving skin health, and boosting the immune system. Keeping your pup's teeth healthy is crucial, and strawberry tops are a fun and effective chewing option! These tops are also chock-full of antioxidants that help protect your pup's cells and guard against inflammation and diseases like cancer. Serving your dog strawberry tops is simple and easy - just wash and chop them into manageable pieces and mix them as a yummy treat or food. 

Not only are strawberry tops a great addition to your dog’s meals, but using them also helps reduce food waste and provides a more sustainable option. For more tips on upcycling and making sustainable meals for your pup, check out our blog on Upcycling Food Scraps here.

Can Dogs Eat Raspberries?

First things first - can dogs eat raspberries? The good news is that, yes, they can! Raspberries are not toxic to dogs; they're a great source of fibre, antioxidants, and vitamins such as vitamin C. However, it's important to note that raspberries should only be given to dogs in moderation, as too much of any fruit can upset their stomachs. A few raspberries as a treat or as a topping on their food can be a great addition to their meals.

Now that we know that raspberries are safe for dogs to eat, let's look at some of the potential benefits of this fruit for our pups. The fibre in raspberries can help with digestion and promote healthy bowel movements, which is especially important for dogs prone to digestive issues. The antioxidants can also help reduce inflammation and boost immune function, which can help keep your dog healthy and active. Plus, raspberries are low in calories and sugar, making them a great alternative to sugary treats or snacks.

While raspberries are safe for dogs to eat, there are some precautions that you should keep in mind. First of all, always wash raspberries before giving them to your dog to remove any pesticides or chemicals. Additionally, some dogs may have a sensitivity or allergy to raspberries, so monitoring your pup for any adverse reactions, such as stomach upset or skin irritation, is important. 

Unsure of where to start when adding raspberries to your dog’s meals? Check out this recipe for Spring Flowers and Berries Frozen Dog Treats.

Are Blueberries Good for Dogs?

Blueberries are a delicious and healthy superfood that is great for both humans and dogs! These nutritional gems are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fibre that provide tons of benefits for our pups. With powerful antioxidants, blueberries work wonders to reduce inflammation and improve circulation within their bodies, aiding your dog's overall health.

Did you know that blueberries contain a high amount of vitamin C, making them essential for a healthy immune system? This can help boost your dog's immunity, keeping them safe from infections, viruses, and other ailments. The fibre content in blueberries also aids in promoting healthy digestion and can help alleviate stomach problems in dogs.

An easy way to introduce blueberries to your pup's meal is with this Oat & Berries Muffin recipe. 

Can Dogs Eat Blackberries? Yes, Blackberries are Great for Dogs!

Did you know that blackberries are an excellent source of antioxidants that help to eliminate harmful toxins from your dog's body? Vitamin C and K are present in blackberries, which support your pup's immune system and aid in the production of a bone-strengthening protein called osteocalcin. Blackberries are a superfood that provides extra vitamin C for dogs that require a nutritional boost.

Keep your dog's digestive system functioning correctly with the soluble fibre present in blackberries. The prebiotic, inulin, helps stimulate the production of good bacteria in your dog's gut, enhancing the absorption of nutrients.

Remember to always feed your dog blackberries in moderation, in small pieces or mashed with their food. Organic fresh blackberries are the best option, but if they are not accessible, frozen blackberries without added sugar can suffice.  

Can you Feed your Dog Cranberries?

Did you know that cranberries aren't just delicious treats for humans? They also work wonders for keeping dogs healthy!  

Believe it or not, cranberries can actually help prevent dental issues in dogs! The acidic nature of cranberries makes it tough for bacteria to cling to teeth and form plaque. By adding food that contains cranberries to your pup's diet, you can keep their pearly whites looking and feeling healthy.  They are also good for urinary issues as well for dog’s that get frequent bladder infections.

Cranberries are low in calories but high in crucial nutrients, such as vitamin C, fibre, and manganese, which all work together to enhance the immune system. A stronger immune system can help protect our dogs from disease and sickness. 

Can Dogs Eat Goji Berries?

One of the most popular superfoods for dogs is the goji berry.  Goji berries are a nutrient-dense food that's chock-full of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, and zinc. These nutrients are essential for your dog's health and can help boost their immune system and keep them feeling their best.

Antioxidants are substances that help prevent cellular damage in the body, and goji berries are an excellent source of them. In fact, goji berries contain more antioxidants than any other fruit or vegetable. Feeding your dog goji berries can help protect their cells from damage and keep them healthier in the long run.

If you're concerned about your dog's eye health, goji berries might be worth adding to their diet. These berries are known to promote eye health, thanks to their high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin.

There are a few ways you can add goji berries to your dog’s diet. You can buy dried or fresh goji berries and give them to your dog as a treat, or you can look for dog food or treats that contain goji berries as an ingredient. Your dog will thank you for helping them stay healthy!

What about Wild Berries?

As dog parents, we always want our pups to join us in everything we do – including enjoying the great outdoors. When we go to parks, hiking trails, or simply walk around the neighborhood, we often encounter wild berries that look delicious. But did you know that wild berries can be dangerous to your dog? That’s right – not all berries are created equal. 

Some wild berries can be toxic to dogs, even those humans can eat safely. For example, holly berries and yew berries can be fatal to dogs when ingested. Others may cause vomiting, diarrhea, or digestive upset. Unfortunately, dogs cannot distinguish between safe and poisonous berries, so the best way to avoid any risk is to keep wild berries away from them.

Even if the wild berries you find are not poisonous, they can still pose a choking hazard to your dog. Some berries have small seeds or pits that can get lodged in your dog’s throat, causing irritation or even choking. This risk is especially high for small dogs or puppies. When you’re outside with your dog, keep an eye on them and avoid letting them eat anything off the ground or bushes.

Overall, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, goji berries are excellent treats to give your dog in moderation. They’re safe and can provide several benefits to your dog's health. Remember to always feed them in moderation and wash them well before offering them to your pup. Also, avoid any wild berries as they may look safe but can be toxic!